I am fond of Capessa, not least because I recently won a fantabulous shopping spree in one of their contests. (I finally did order both of those dresses and those shoes, by the way. Plus a watch. I waffled over it for a month and chose the first things I found, very typical.) But more than that, Capessa provides a wide range of woman-centric articles and video features. What's especially intriguing is the fact that Capessa relies on REAL WOMEN for their content. They have a production team, true, but the stories they are telling are from women just like you, who they deem to be the real experts. Not celebrity moms or famous people. How novel.
Capessa is affiliated with Procter & Gamble, but I have to say that it is one of the least commercially-motivated social networking sites I have come across. The ads and product placements are few and far-between and I don't feel like the site exists as a marketing arm for its evil corporate ogre parent. (Not that I think P&G is evil! One of my cousins in Alabama when I was little told me that they had ties to satanism– something about the logo on the back of the dishwashing liquid– but even as a kid, I was pretty sure that was total BS. And I just looked it up on Snopes. Nope, not devil worshippers.) I like the way the interface is set up, you can find things quickly by using the search engine or looking under specific departments, or you can aimlessly wander through clicking on whatever seems engaging. Which is more than I expected, honestly. There is something refreshing about seeing real women talk about real issues, from serious topics to more lighthearted ones. It's kind of like well-edited video blogging.
My one complaint about Capessa is its look. Shallow, I know, but they did ask. While I tend to be a fan of clean, modern design, Capessa looks too clean. Maybe too sanitary. I want more color, more life. But hey, that's just cosmetic and I think they're already working on it.
Capessa, being a conscientious online destination for women, is asking bloggers what they think of, umm, Capessa. There are prizes involved. Go check it out here.
Can any blogger participate or is this an "invitation only" thing? :)
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