superdumb supervillain: Momfluence Summer Guide

Friday, July 03, 2009

Momfluence Summer Guide

Looking for some great products to make your summer that much more fun and enjoyable? Looking to pamper yourself while the kids are off at camp? Or maybe you're dealing with summer bumps and bruises. Momfluence has collected some reviews of great products that you need to know about! Check out what our reviewers had to say about these great summer finds. And don't forget to stop by the Momfluence member giveaways listed at the bottom for some summer winning!

Featured Products

swimmiesFishBites Swimmies - Spending time in the water is one of the most fun and exciting parts of summer. FishBites Swimmies by Swimways is a great solution to give the little ones the extra security they need in the pool, in a fun and exciting way.

carryonDelsey Helium Fusion Carryon - If you are hitting the road or flying the skies this summer for your family vacation, the Delsey Helium Fusion carry-on offers a lightweight solution for packing your travel essentials.

dosomethingdailly Do Something Daily Calendar - Tired of hearing the kids say they have nothing to do? The DoSomethingDaily Calendar offers fun and exciting suggestions for things to do on each and every day of the year. Make memories with your family, every day!

Perlabella_line_1Perlabella Pearls - Want to combat some of the wrinkles cause by sun damage? Perlabella's Retinol solution helps to fight the signs of aging, that can be caused by excessive sun exposure and other factors.

More Summer Fun


Playdoh Spaghetti Factory


Nerf NFL Progrip Football

SuperSoaker 50

Boochie Game

Good For The Kids

Talking To Toddlers

Two Belles and A Bead Engraved Necklace


Jumeau Handbags


Member Reviews/Giveaways

Bonggamom - $50 Tiny Prints Gift Certificate

IceFairy's Treasure Chest - KiNeSYS, Purex 3-in1, and more

Eccentric, Eclectic Woman - Bra Barrette, Skipping Hippos

Riding With No Hands - 20 Piece Rubbermaid Set

Consumer Queen - FurBuster

PlusSizeMommy - Giant Hershey Bar, Zensoy, and more

MommyNotGuilty - KidBanz Sunglasses

Robyn's Online World - Kodak Digital Frame

Simply Being Mommy - EA Sports Active

Lattes and Life - Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs & Parent's Choice Formula

Motherhood Moment - Summer Fun

A Simple Kinda Life - Summer Soiree of Giveaways

From Cribs to Car Keys - EcoStore $25 Gift Certificate and more

Miscellaneous Finds 4 U - Tiny Prints and more

All Momfluence guide reviews are product-provided, featured positions were purchased by vendors. Member reviews and giveaways are not associated with Momfluence.

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