superdumb supervillain: Meet Norman Phartephant

Friday, November 06, 2009

Meet Norman Phartephant

I had some misgivings about agreeing to review a stuffed toy called Norman PhartEphant, a cuddly elephant plushie that farts when you squeeze his tail. (Eight distinct phart sounds!) Having a five year old and a two year old guarantees that we talk about bodily functions about a million times more per day than I would really deem necessary… but still, he looked pretty cute (just look at that plaintive gaze…), so I said "okay, bring on the PhartEphant."

Can you tell just how much Jasper loves his new pal, Norman PhartEphant? Surprisingly, Roo felt a bit too mature for the likes of him and said that Jasper could keep him after giving him the sniff test. I kid you not! I've caught her pushing the button on several occasions, though her little brother delights in chasing her around the house with him. Kind of like a stampeding elephant…

Norman PhartEphant is available online and has his own picture book and coloring book coming out this week! A portion of Norman PhartEphant sales are donated to childrens' charities Smile Train, which provides cleft palate surgery for kids in developing nations, and Half the Sky, which provides help for special needs orphans in China.

Disclosure: We received Norman PhartEphant free of charge in order to write this review, however the deep, abiding love Jasper feels for him could not be bought. Well, maybe with a LOT of robots. But no one offered us any.


  1. ROFL!! Jasper's face in those pictures is PRICELESS! I can see my kids enjoying it very much... My husband too! LOL! Actually, I can think of many members of my family who would be thoroughly tickled by this... Sad, really. =)
    Glad Jasper has a new favorite toy! Score!

  2. A picture speaks a thousand....farts?

    Looks like a winner. What IS it about flatulence?

  3. My kids loved Norman but I think my husband loves him more! LOL!

  4. I love your reviews, and I was smiling through this one (not cuz I farted either).

    Jasper really got a kick out of him, I can tell.

  5. I heard about this a while back and, well, I'm glad it's a hit in your house.

  6. OMGosh those are some super cute photos!


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