superdumb supervillain: Halloween 2010

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Halloween 2010

Yes, that is Jasper in his Dinosaur Train costume. No, he didn't actually wear it trick or treating. Instead, he wore street clothes and a name label that said "Darth Jasper." Yes, Roo did look like an actual veterinary assistant in velour track pants and sensible shoes. And Stella's costume was too small to fit over her snout but it was totally hilarious and it did glow in the dark. (I have been lusting after that costume since I saw it at the Martha Stewart Blogger's Night Out party and finally bought it at Petsmart.)


  1. What great Halloween photos. I can't believe Stella let you put that costume on her. What a good sport!

    An Island Life

  2. I just read that out loud to Chris and we were cracking up laughing. "Darth Jasper"! Roo in velour track pants and sensible shoes. Your kids are hilarious, and I bow down to you for blogging about it.


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