superdumb supervillain: World Sight Day 2012: Open Your Eyes

Thursday, October 11, 2012

World Sight Day 2012: Open Your Eyes

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Most people don't think about the luxury of being able to see. I'm very, very nearsighted and have worn glasses or contacts since I was a little kid. Without them, I can barely see a foot in front of me. Everything blurs into abstract colors and shapes. I can't even see my kids' faces in the morning until I reach for my glasses. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have glasses, they are such an integral part of my everyday life.

In many places around the world, people are not fortunate to have access to glasses and opthalmic treatment. 285 million people across the globe are visually impaired but 80% of those people don't have to be– with glasses and proper treatment, their lives could be totally different. Blindness can be avoided in many cases by early intervention or even preventative treatments.

TOMS is committed to opening your eyes to the importance of World Sight Day. Through their One for One initiative, each pair of TOMS sunglasses can GIVE SIGHT to a person who is losing their vision– via much needed prescription glasses, surgery or medical treatment. The Give Sight project has helped people of all ages from all over the world and right here in the US. The impact is dramatic and incredibly life-affirming.

Do you think about how your vision impacts your daily life? Can you imagine life without it? 

To see what a difference corrective lenses can make, try the vision modification filters at You can see how cataracts, glaucoma and a simple refractive error can seriously change your world view. Literally

The next time you're getting your eyes checked and need to renew your prescription, ask your doctor about ways to donate your old glasses. And if you're in the market for some new shades or kicks, you might want to consider a company that gives back.

In accordance to the FTC Guidelines and the WOMMA Code of Ethics, I am disclosing that I received information about World Sight Day from TOMS, including some handout materials to share with my kids' schoolmates. No compensation has been provided. (Or shoes!) As usual, all opinions are my own. 

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