Anyway, the impetus for all this booby talk is the fabulous nursing bra I received in the mail yesterday. It was part of a super awesome prize I won at the online baby shower held for mommy bloggers Liz, Tammie, and Christina. It was kind of like the shower was for me, too- I got more cute, useful stuff than at my own baby shower! I received a beautiful green toile blanket set from Max Daniel (courtesy of Cool Mom Picks), a cool Baby Daze organizer, super cute Mama Needs It skull and crossbones onesie set and my nursing bra of choice from Nummies.
Nursing bras are kind of a toughie for me. Bras in general are hard enough to pick but when you when you want something to make you feel less like a milk cow, it becomes very discouraging. Most of them show through clothing or have enough straps to make you feel like a dominatrix. I am moderately chesty without the added bonus of engorgement, so I feel particularly conspicuous post-partum. Anyway, the bras on the Nummies site are sleek and plain. I was leaning toward the sexy black Roxy model with lace trim:

but practicality set in and I went with the nude t-shirt bra called Tess:

I will spare you the gory details or any bra-clad photos of myself, but suffice it to say I am very pleased with the quality of Nummies' construction. The fit seems true to size and features convertible straps and a low cut cleavage, so you could wear it underneath summery tanks or dresses, as well as the eponymous t-shirts. This bra actually makes my 7 1/2 month pregnant after nursing a baby for two years boobs look round and perky, so that's also big plus. I think I'll splurge on the Roxy set once the baby is born.
Looks like a great product :) I am going to see if I can get some samples and maybe stock them.