***CONGRATULATIONS, Susanne!!!***
her comment...
Ta-tas owned by my other half!
Save The Ta-Tas is a unique company that celebrates life while raising awareness (and money!) for breast cancer causes. Since its inception in 2004, Save The Ta-Tas has raised more than $165K by selling cheeky t-shirts and other quirky Ta-Tas branded merchandise. There are hats, mugs, stickers, soap… anything you can imagine! And five percent of their gross sales goes to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation and The Revlon Run/Walk for Women. The tees (Ta-Ta covers?!) are my favorite, though. They crack me up so much I had to include four in this post because I couldn't narrow 'em down:

Save The Ta-Tas sent some goodies for us to try out and I think that Jasper's poignant expression is really well-captioned by his onesie… in fact, it may become his personal mantra.
Roo is a bit more cheerful about her imminent Ta-Tas, which she says will be coming when she turns fifteen. Way to plan ahead!
Save The Ta-Tas has also generously provided me with this big, shiny gift box to share with one of my readers. It includes a visor, two drink Koozies, two buttons, two bumper magnets, three Boob-Lube bar soaps, a doggie tee, one 3-6 month tee, one medium "caught you looking at my ta-tas" tank, one xl "laughter heals" tee.
To enter and win this fabulous Save The Ta-Tas gift basket, please comment on this post with your own clever Ta-Ta slogan.
Entries will be accepted through June 26th and I'll pick the winner using Random.org. US readers are eligible. Only one entry/comment per person, please.
Make sure you leave an email address in your comment or that you have one accessible on your blog so you can be contacted if you win! Or, you may choose to check for your nickname at Prizey.Fetch, a new site that compiles winners in one convenient place:
***Click Giveaways on my sidebar to see what else you could win!***
wow how cool
ReplyDeleteWell, in 2006 I walked the Breast Cancer 3 Day, and this year I'm volunteering as a Crew member for it. I decided I needed my my own catchy breast-related slogan for fundraising so my campaign is called, "Ellen's Hike for Healthy Honkers." I made myself a shirt and everything. I did have to explain to my mom what "honkers" are. She thought it had something to do with geese.
ReplyDeleteTotally Ga Ga over Ta tas!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway...
ReplyDeleteI'm up here, the TaTa's can't talk!
My tatas are have seen better days. Sad but true :)
ReplyDeleteMy tatas have fallen, and they can't get up
Ta Tas is mine, not yours...
"I Support Ta-Tas'
ReplyDeletegkstratos @yahoo.com
How about a onesie, "Mommy's Ta-Ta's are my Favorite!"
ReplyDeleteWhat about promoting self-exams, "A Sqeezed Ta-Ta is a Happy Ta-Ta." Hmm.
Hooters has a pretty good slogan. But I don't know if they promote breast cancer awareness.
Free the Ta-Tas!
Let my Ta-Tas go!
Squeeze for your life!
ReplyDeletejasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
"My cups runneth over. . ."
ReplyDeleteI'm liking everyone else's suggestions much better, though!
Hello, What a wonderful cause! I know too many friends who have been through the throes of breast cancer. Luckily, they are survivors! I think it is the "Rolling Stones" that have a song called "Waiting on a Friend."
ReplyDeleteHow about a tee shirt that says
"Waiting on a Cure?" I also like the idea of "Ta-Tas Make the World Go
Round!" Thanks for a special contest.
"Today, the TA-TA'S ... tomorrow, the WORLD!"
ReplyDeletelove the cause..close to my heart
ReplyDelete3beez at bellsouth dot net
Live and Let Ta-Tas
ReplyDeleteIt's ok, look at my tata's!
ReplyDeleteTouch the TaTas, Lose a Hand :)
ReplyDelete"It's TaTa time"
ReplyDeleteI thought it was cute!
my tatas belong to him with an arrow
ReplyDeleteTaTas are your Friends!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHands off Daddy, the ta-tas are mine.
ReplyDeleteWould look great on a onesie or lap T.
Forgot Email.
kris.noellej (at) gmail.com
Ta-tas are boobs with a drumbeat.
ReplyDeleteTa-tas on a mission
ReplyDeleteHands off the tatas!!
I owe it all to my tatas :)
For a baby, or a nursing Mom:
ReplyDeleteI love my Mama's Ta Tas!
All I drink is Ta Tas! Get your own. Party at my house! BYOTT! bring your own Ta Tas.
ReplyDeleteSupport Ta Tas (with an image of scaffolding under the boobage)
ReplyDeleteGreat shirts!
ReplyDeleteSay ta-ta to breast cancer, not to the ta-tas!
ReplyDeleteKeep the ta-tas where they belong!
ReplyDeleteTa-Ta's are a girls best friends!
ReplyDeletetiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Ta-Tas are for Ma-Mas
ReplyDeleteGot Ta Ta's?
ReplyDeleteKeep third base alive
Grope a ta ta, save a life.
I can't think of any more.
Thanks! I really hope I win this, i am a huge supporter of the foundation and I am trying to become a volunteer for the schools up here on how to teach young girls to know how to check for breast cancer and information on how they can help others!
I think a cute slogan would be
ReplyDeleteta-ta to breast cancer! or
Help women and amuse yourself: get a grip on breast cancer!
Great giveaway!
Ta Ta's or Bust! This is an awesome way to get awareness out! russellkids6@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy ta-ta's are bigger than yours! lol
ReplyDeleteI Brake For Ta Tas
ReplyDeleteor Ta Ta Time
"My Ta tas have super power . . . they make milk!"
ReplyDeleteFeel your ta-tas!
ReplyDeleteHave you felt a ta ta lately?
I love these shirts!
What is a tata?
ReplyDeleteSaving Ta-Ta's one step at a time.
ReplyDeleteAre you in?
How are your ta tas?
ReplyDeleteHey! My eyes are up here!
ReplyDeleteLook, but don't touch!
Don't be a rube. Save the boob.
ReplyDeleteSave a boob, get a mammogram.
Keep a smile on your mugs, and save the jugs.
Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Eat at Ta-ta's.
ReplyDeleteThey may be flat...but my Ta-ta's are real.
Help! My Ta-Tas have fallen and they can't get up.
ReplyDeletegrandma's tatas are slipping
ReplyDeleteLove your Ta-Ta's!
For a baby:
ReplyDelete100% ta ta fed
World's Greatest Ta Tas
ReplyDeleteThanks to my new baby, my tatas are bigger than ever
ReplyDeleteCheck The Ta Tas
ReplyDeleteTo Protect Your
Ta Tas!
ReplyDeleteSheila F
Check the Ta Tas
To protect your
Ta Tas!
ReplyDeleteTo Protect and Serve
Say ta-ta to breast cancer by saving the ta-tas!
ReplyDeleteTa-Tas for a cause. Umm lets see Ta-Tas in for the long haul. (that was so dumb)
ReplyDeleteI wnat to win not only do I wish I owned some ta-Tas gear but it's my personal fav. cause after my Great Grandma died from breast cancer. So here it is to being random! I'm ordinary why not be random too.
Ta Ta riffic!
ReplyDeleteI know, it's not any competition for some of the previously submitted ones.
Do it for the Ta Ta's !
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for offering such a wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!
1. 100% Grade A Ta-Tas
ReplyDelete2. 100% pure Ta-Tas
3. 2 Ta-Tas are better than 1, check yourself
4. buy 1 ta-ta get 1 free
Ok, this is too much fun!
Rockin' my ta-tas
VOTE TA-TAS in 08'
ReplyDeleteGot Ta Ta's ?
ReplyDeletedon't squeeze the tata's (you haven't bought me dinner yet)
ReplyDeletelife is a wonderful shmorgesbord of tatas
ReplyDeleteCan't touch this...my tatas
ReplyDeleteTaTas make the world go round.
ReplyDeleteTa-Tas: The baby gift they never outgrow.
ReplyDeletegreat idea!
ReplyDeleteTa Ta's -N- Beer!
ReplyDeleteangela472us @ yahoo. com
Oh wow, I am LOVING some of the ideas that other commenters have written already! There are some really witty ta ta owners out there!
ReplyDeleteMy ta tas are real...and they're fabulous!
Tots for Ta-Tas!
ReplyDeleteHere are my ideas ...
ReplyDeleteTaTas Now, TaTas forever!
Save Tomorrows TaTas Today!
This is a great contest. I have one aunt who survived breast cancer and another who did not. I'd LOVE to win this basket and share some of the goodies with my "survivor" aunt!
Save the ta tas
ReplyDeleteHow about a onesie and that says....."mmmmmm...boobies or tatas!"
ReplyDeleteThese Ta-tas break necks!
Unless authorized,
Step away from the Ta-Tas,
And you won't get hurt!
These Ta-tas, both, naturally grown and squeezed in the USA!
Cusmile at comcast dot net.
I love all the sayings you folks have come up with, so jealous! Wish I had your imaginations.
100% Natural and Farm Raised Ta Tas. Thank you for having this.
Organic TaTas are best
Real Ta-ta's rock.
ReplyDeleteI love all the shirts and slogans, thank you!!
"My ta tas are a walking bilboard for Breast Cancer Awareness! Stare, be aware, care!"
ReplyDeleteTricia Andrews
hockeygalnc @ hotmail.com (remove spaces)
i want to win
ReplyDeletemy mama shares her ta ta's with daddy and me.
ReplyDeleteHave you felt your tatas lately?
ReplyDeleteTake time to save the Ta-Tas!!
ReplyDeleteno fake ta tas here!
ReplyDeleteShow me yer ta-ta's!!!
"They may be Ta-ta's to you, but to me they're LUNCH!
ReplyDeleteTa-ta's rule the world!
ReplyDeleteMa-Ma can I have a Ta-Ta!
ReplyDeleteTwo Cheers For The Two Ta Tas!!!!
got ta-tas?
ReplyDeleteTa-Ta's- The Real Thing!
ReplyDeleteTa-Ta's, mmmm mmmm good!
Meet my little friends, Ta and Ta :)
ReplyDeleteThey are mine and you can't have them!
ReplyDeleteTa-Ta's for PRESIDENT !!!!!!
I love so many of the other posts! "Save the Ta-Tas one step at a time" is really good! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHow about 'Surrender the tata*s!' Great giveaway, thanks!
ReplyDeleteGotta have this these are great
haha thats the best shirt ever!
ReplyDeleteTa-Da!!! Tatas!
ReplyDeleteThese shirts are so cute!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe over 50 crowd will like this one:
Those are not my knees they are my Tatas!!!
What a cute idea to raise awareness.
ReplyDeleteRah Rah for ta-tas
"respect the ta-tas"
I always said I wanted a nice set of Ta-Tas....maybe the basket would be the closest I can get!
ReplyDeleteShirt for a dog...
ReplyDelete"There are enought Ta-Ta's here to go around!"
Absolutely love these items! Have friends who are breast cancer survivors I know would appreciate!
GOT Ta-Tas!
ReplyDeleteA Day Without Ta-tas is Like a Day Without Sunshine
ReplyDeleteTa-tas - Double The Pleasure; Double the Fun
Diamonds (and Ta-tas) are Forever.
Fantastic! I'd never heard of this organization but I absolutely love the idea. Thank you!
Tata's make men say DUH DUH
ReplyDeleteThese are fabulous! What a fun way to support such an important cause!
ReplyDeleteTake care of the ta tas!
ReplyDeleteLive and Let Ta-Tas
ReplyDeletemy tatas are small but handfuls good enough.
ReplyDeletecancer kills tatas
if we don't find a cure
tatas will disappear
Oh this is awful..
You may see TaTas I see food!
I blogged your contest on Prize-A-Tron!
I won't exchange my Ta-tas for anything. :D
Free the ta-tas!
ReplyDeletemust be a regional thing cause nobody around here calls them tatas. say tata to cancer
ReplyDeleteannatiffany at yahoo dot com
Keep Ta-Tas Close
ReplyDeleteTo Your Heart!
Send your Ta-Tas a telegram with a mamagram
ReplyDeleteTaTa's - It's whats for dinner.
ReplyDeleteI am a cancer survivor....it's in the family, so my mother is also a breast cancer survivor, we we appreciate what's left of the Ta-Ta's!
I'm lucky, so I still get to take both of them with me!!
That's how my ta-ta's roll!
ReplyDeleteMy ta-ta's are tools!
ReplyDeleteThis is what I say to anyone who thinks they are just for fun. I explain that they are there to feed our children and that's it. Lol!
Long live the ta-ta's
ReplyDeleteKeep Ta-Tas Close
ReplyDeleteTo Your Heart!
ta-tas on parade!
Ta-Ta's are on top
Thank you for your support!!
My Ta Ta's bring all the boys to the yard!
ReplyDeleteI have two family members that are breast cancer survivors! Save the Ta Ta's!
There's nothing plastic about these ta-tas!
ReplyDelete"I've had my mammogram," Real Mamas have touchable Tatas--Get touched today!
ReplyDelete"Mmmm ta-ta milk is yummy!"
ReplyDeleteMy Ta-ta's are bigger than yours!!
Please don't hate the Diva 'cause she had fabu-ta-tas.
ReplyDeleteTa Tas make the wench
ReplyDeleteSagging Ta tas are better than none
Ta Tas make great pillows
TTFN . . . Ta-Ta's For Newborns!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway!
Ta Ta's at work....
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving me a chance to win.
Set your Ta Ta's free
ReplyDeleteThank you for a great giveaway
mamograms rock and cancer sucks! Save the ta-tas!ty 4 the nice contest!
ReplyDeleteNom Nom Ta Tas for baby onesie
Fulfilling husbands ta-ta's fetish.
ReplyDelete"Caution: Ta-tas at work. Stay back 10 feet unless you want to be sprayed"
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway!
Mommy Auntie has great pillows....where are Yours?
ReplyDeletegot ta tas?
ReplyDeleteI love my TaTas
ReplyDeletethe shirts are just something else!
ReplyDeletemade me giggle
i love mummy's ta-ta's
ReplyDelete"I think my chest is ta-ta-riffic."
you talked me into it Naomi!
ReplyDeleteclever slogans, humm, not sure -
Free the Ta-Tas (did I read that one above?)
Don't squeeze the Ta-Tas (again, might have read that above)
Get Your Eyes off my Ta-Tas
sad, I know....hope I win. I would wear the shirt proudly :-)
These are 100% real ta tas.
ReplyDeleteWe need to do all we can to save the Ta-Tas. This is a wonderfully funny prize pack with a very serious side.
ReplyDeletemy ta-ta's told me to do it !!!!
ReplyDeleteby matthew - NC
on a "camo" shirt!
juauma at gmail dot com
Nice prize!
ReplyDeleteTa-Ta's perfect cup of tee
My Ta-Ta's are 100% BPA free!
ReplyDeleteI can't top those all ready posted great contest please enter me
ReplyDeleteReal ta-ta's rule!
ReplyDeletetatas they arent just for breakfast anymore
ReplyDeleteGirls Need Cleavage!
ReplyDeletekmbckelly at netscape dot net
Ta Ta's for the wife!
ReplyDeleteSupport your local ta tas
ReplyDeleteMy ta tas wear bra bras.
ReplyDeleteIt's 10pm, do you know where your TaTas are?
ReplyDeletefor fun
ReplyDeleteBoys have ta-tas too!
these ta-ta's are MSG-free
ReplyDeletemy husband loves my ta-tas
ReplyDeleteDon't ha-ha at my ta-tas!
ReplyDeleteA squished Ta-ta is a happy Ta-ta. Get your mammogram today!
ReplyDeleteTa-Tas Rule!
ReplyDeleteYes! My Ta-Tas are real!
ReplyDeleteThese shirts are too funny!! I am having a good time and having a good laugh. My favorite is My tatas have fallen, and they can't get up. count me in this wonderful contest
ReplyDeleteWhenever a woman has writing on her chest, someone is looking at her breasts.
ReplyDelete"You are looking at my ta ta's right now."
You're staring at my ta-tas!
What I think would be hilarious would be "Save the ta-tas!" - - in Braille...and (hands off if you can't read Braille) in small print underneath.
ReplyDeletemy wife is a cancer survivor and I would love nothing more than to be able to give her these!!
ReplyDeleterespect da ta-tas!
ReplyDeletemy ta tas used to be up here now they are down there ;)
ReplyDeleteta-tas are ta-riffic!
ReplyDeleteMy ta tas are bigger than your ta tas.
ReplyDeletekk1lewis at aol dot com
Bigger doesn't mean better.
Ta-tas owned by my other half!
ReplyDeleteTa Ta's Forever!!!!
ReplyDeleteTa Ta's Rule, Boys Drool!
Ta Ta's retro and groovy
ReplyDeleteSad to say, but my ta-tas have seen a better day!
ReplyDeleteTotally Ga Ga over Ta tas!
ReplyDeleteRockin' Ta-Ta's!
ReplyDeleteI love nice healthy TA-TA's !!
ReplyDeleteHealthy Ta Tas...
Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this contest.
Ta Tas cannot be recycled, so the Ta Tas you save will be your own.
ReplyDeleteSave the ta-tas; Have your mamota to the mamogram.
ReplyDeleteGreat giveaway for the ta-tas!
ReplyDeleteMy ta-tas are FIERCE!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat giveaway! Love the comments! I have a friend who had breast cancer and we like to say "SBE's (self breast exams) are not just fun they can save your life!"
ReplyDeletePlease help save our TA-TAS!
register me for this fantastic drawing!
great contest
ReplyDeletei now have a new name for the girls
Are you staring at my ta-tas?
ReplyDeletebelievedreamcourage (at) gmail.com