Bella Sara, the girl-centric trading card phenomenon, is expecting a stable-full of new arrivals this fall. Baby Bella is the new series of cards featuring baby horses from North of North. We received a couple of packs, courtesy of Team Mom, and Roo is smitten. She loves the fanciful artwork on the cards and, of course, the gorgeous horses with their fancy names and inspirational quotes. She is also fascinated with the online world of Bella Sara where you can enter the codes found on each card and keep a virtual stable full of all of your horses. We haven't delved into much online entertainment with her yet, aside from the odd YouTube search, so I can't say with any authority how Bella Sara's usability compares with other toy-based online gaming. It seems a little arduous to me, constantly clicking to feed and groom your horses, keep them fed, etc. Roo could probably spend hours doing it, though, so obviously I am just old and boring…
At $3 a pack (7 cards), Bella Sara cards won't break the budget. If you have a daughter who loves horses and hoarding treasures, she will most likely love this, too. I think it would be even more appropriate for slightly older girls, especially beginning readers who will be able to read the mottos and names on the cards by themselves. Roo loves the online stuff but needs a lot of help with reading and manipulating the mouse. She would enjoy Baby Bella more if I wasn't messing with her baby horse rearing!
I probably would've gotten into this when I was a kid. I was totally obsessed with horses. My dad even offered to buy me a moped once if I'd stop talking about horses, and I thought about it for about 5 seconds and said, "Nope. Can't do it." A horse is still on my wish list for if I win the lottery. :)
ReplyDeleteLet that child raise her own horse ; you are being a meddling grandma.
ReplyDeleteThese look great; what is it about little girls and horses? I always liked cows though.