***CONGRATULATIONS, Jinxy and Me!!!***
her comment...
Strawberry is the yogurt fave. My favorite Kraft singles memory is eating slices straight out of the package!
Roo used to be a fabulous eater who would try anything you set in front of her. Now she vetoes almost anything that isn't nugget, pasta or berry. It's annoying, sure, but I am also constantly wondering if she's ingesting enough nutrients. How can I be sure she's getting the right stuff without arguing 24-7?!
Luckily I have a few "cheater snacks" in my arsenal. First up, grilled cheese. I finally bought an electric griddle and it has revolutionized my grilled cheese making! I can make 'em for everyone in the family all at once without any of them getting cold. They all turn out golden and crispy and gooey, not semi-carbonized. (It's great for pancakes, too!) While there are plenty of fabulous cheeses out there to be sampled, there really is no denying the sublime nostalgic perfection of Kraft Singles.

I know Roo and Jasper would like that kind of cheese, too. I remember a day not too long ago when all cheese was individually wrapped or fell in powdery tufts from a shaken canister…but I'm also nervous about pre-packaged foods' hormone modifications and early onset puberty. The new 2% Milk Kraft Singles has the same great taste and meltability you remember, but the milk comes from cows untreated with the growth hormone rbST so you can rest a little easier, paranoid mommy!
Another fabulous convenience food that you can feel okay about is yogurt. I remember in the '70s my dad bought a yogurt maker and I think we used it once. Like the crepe maker and the fondue set. But yogurt has become an American staple that Yoplait even has a specialized range for little ones: Yoplait Kids. Back in February, I extolled its virtues on Roo's persnickitty palate thusly:
She does like Yoplait Kids, especially the drinkable yogurt in mixed berry. Having her cartoon heart-throb, Diego, on the packaging probably helps a little, too. What I like about them is that they aren't candy-flavored versions of yogurt. They do contain sugar, but not any more than the average grown-up brands, so the goodness of the yogurt isn't outweighed by unnatural additives or sweeteners. In fact, even the coloring agents on the ingredients list are pretty innocuous- beet juice and annatto seeds. So I feel like I've done my mom-ly duty if I give her a cup of Yoplait Kids and a banana.
If your little munchkin is lacking in the protein/calcium zone, check out Kraft Singles and Yoplait Kids. We tried some new Kraft Singles (they even have organics and more flavors like pepper jack and sharp cheddar!) and a super fun picnic pack from Yoplait Kids featuring a mini cooler, BrainQuest game for toddlers and drinkable banana Yoplait Kids featuring the Backyardigans.
To enter and win a Yoplait Kids picnic pack like the one we received, as well as some free coupons for Kraft Singles, please comment on this post with your favorite Yoplait Kids yogurt flavor AND your favorite memory about Kraft Singles.
Entries will be accepted through December 29th and I'll pick the winner using Random.org. US readers are eligible, although the free yogurt coupon is not valid in CA, ID, LA, NV, NJ, ND and TN. Only one entry/comment per person, please.
For an additional entry, post my button on your blog, fave me on Technorati or subscribe via email or subscribe via reader and leave an extra comment letting me know.
Make sure you leave an email address in your comment or that you have one accessible on your blog so you can be contacted if you win! Or, you may choose to check for your nickname at Prizey.Fetch, a site that compiles winners in one convenient place:
***Click Giveaways on my sidebar to see what else you could win!***
strawberry banana
ReplyDeleteI agree on both the cheese and the yogurt! My favorite flavor is black cherry. Yum. Thanks for entering me!
ReplyDeletestrawberry and banana
ReplyDeletemixed berry.
ReplyDeleteladyamanda at cox dot net.
Vanilla is my favorite flavor of Yoplait Yougurt and a memory I have of Kraft Singles is when my Grandma used to make me grilled cheese sandwiches when I was a kid, they just tasted so much better when she made them. Thanks so much for such a great giveaway!
I love mixed berries. My favorite Kraft singles memory is making grilled cheese sandwhiches with my mom. Yummy!
strawberry banana is our fav yoplait. i used to love to break my kraft singles into 4 squares and eat them on saltines...me and my sisters would see who could build the tallest tower out of cheese and crackers:) thanks!
We like the strawberry and the strawberry bananna flavor the best! My favorite memory of Kraft singles is making what I used to call a "cheesy". I"d get a piece of bread and melt a Kraft single on it in the microwave and voila!
ReplyDeleteYou are one of my Technorati faves!!
ReplyDeleteVanilla is also my favorite flavor of Yoplait kids. My favorite luch when I was a kid was grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. My mom always used Kraft cheese. annpa@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI like the mixed berry flavor.
ReplyDeleteOops forgot my cheese memory. My brother and I used to sneak cheese singles out to the swingset, then we would break them into skinny slivers and eat them.
ReplyDeletestrawberry banana and yummers..they taste great anytime but loved making the grilled cheese as a kid and remember it with koolaid as a kid- summer breaks and koolaid and kraft cheese
ReplyDeleteI like the banana. I also love using the cheese for grilled cheese.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite flavor is peach. My dad made the best grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches with kraft singles. Yum!
ReplyDeletestrawberry banana
ReplyDeleteGracie likes the berry kind. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI subscribed via google reader. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy kids love strawberry-vanilla.
ReplyDeleteKraft singles..hmm..I don't know about memories, but we always keep in our fridge.thanks
My dd likes the strawberry banana flavor. My favorite memory of kraft singles is making piggies in a blanket.
ReplyDeleteraspberry custard eating cheese singles on hamburg
ReplyDeleteMy daughter likes the Dora starwberry. I oove eating cheese on burgers.
ReplyDeletethe mixed berry yogurt drink (Diego) and believe it or not but my mom never made grilled cheese of bought kraft singles. I do remember loving it when I would have it at friends houses
ReplyDeletewe love vanilla yogurt
ReplyDeletefave memory of kraft singles - making sandwiches as a child
Mixed berries is my favorite. My favorite memory regarding Kraft singles - are the toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup that my mother would serve at lunch time. And to this day - is still my favorite lunch.
strawberry banana is the best! I remember getting a slice of cheese and taking a bite right out of the middle and then peeking through the hole!
ReplyDeleteI love the banana!
ReplyDeletestrawberry banana is the best!!!
ReplyDeleteI love good old Strawberry! My memories of cheese is of cheese grilled but only on toast! With loads of ketchup.
ReplyDeleteI am an RSS subscriber, thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteStraberry is always a favorite
ReplyDeleteStrawberry banana is our favorite.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite grilled cheese memory: When I was a child, I could not stand to eat a regular breakfast. It upset my stomach. My Mom would fix me a fried cheese sandwich made with rich Kraft cheese and serve it with a glass of chocolate milk.
I still love the combination.
1bmore @ gmail . com
My kids love the mixed berry. My favorite memory is one of my favorite meals at my Granny's house. Tomato soup with kraft singles in my grilled cheese. I loved being with her and helping to make this. It is still one of my favorite meals today. THank you
We love strawberry banana.
ReplyDeleteI loved making grilled cheese sandwiches w/ my Mom- I felt like such a big girl:)
ashlyn@chuparkoff.com/My girls could not survive without at least one gogurt tube a day-any flavor. My favorite Kraft singles memory is taking a slice and seeing how many times I could fold it and then eating each little square individually!
ReplyDeleteWe like mixed berry. With Kraft Singles, I always loved the anticipation of peeling off the paper!
ReplyDeleteJennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I like strawberry banana. My favorite memory of Kraft singles is making grilled cheese sandwiches with my mom. I was always a big fan!
ReplyDeletesarahbethe AT yahoo.com
Our daughter's favorite is the Trix yogurt, and my Kraft cheese memories are just of making grilled cheese.
ReplyDeleteI love strawberry yogurt, and the first sandwich I learned to make was grilled cheese made with Kraft Singles!
ReplyDeleteStrawberry and banana is our favorite! My Kraft cheese memory would be toasted cheese sandwiches!
Strawberry and banana is our favorite--best memory is grilled cheese sandwich and cream of tomato soup for lunch
ReplyDeleteFavorite yogurt flavor is Strawberry Banana and my favorite Kraft singles memory is when I was little and it was winter and mom would make us grilled cheese sandwiches and hot cocoa to warm us up. True comfort food. Thanks for the contest!
I am a subscriber.
ReplyDeleteMixed Berry is the best. My mom and I loved grilled cheese sandwhiches with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. We would go out and play in the snow and then come inside for this lunch.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Yoplait Kids flavor is strawberry and my favorite Kraft singles memory is of my mom making grilled cheese sandwiches!
ReplyDeleteBlack cherry is my fave, and next to that strawberry. Thanks for the contest. http://cashcuddler.com
ReplyDeleteFavorite Yoplait kids yogurt flavor is Strawberry.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite memory of Kraft cheese is grilling cheeseburgers in the summer for my grandson.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Email subscriber.
ReplyDeletejanetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Strawberry Banana
ReplyDeleteStrawberry banana. My favorite memory of Kraft cheese is my mom making grilled cheese sandwiches for us kids.
ReplyDeletewhite chocolate strawberry is my fav
strawberry banana
ReplyDeletemy mother would make us grilled cheese and ham sandwiches-loved them
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
My favorite is black cherry and my favorite memory of Kraft singles is my mother making us grilled cheese and tomato soup on a cold winter night.
ReplyDeleteWe love Bologna Sandwiches! Key Lime pie is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteStrawberry is the yogurt fave. My favorite Kraft singles memory is eating slices straight out of the package!
ReplyDeleteI'm subscribed to your RSS feed.
ReplyDeleteYou are in my Technorati favorites. (My username is jinxykb.)
ReplyDeleteBanana is my favorite flavor of Yoplait Kids. And I get to eat what the little one doesn't! My favorite memory of Kraft Singles involves a "Raggedy Ann" salad my sister & I made. It's a peach for the head, pear for the body, and so on. We sliced Singles into very small strips for the hair.
ReplyDeleteI am an e-mail subscriber.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter loves the yoplait strawberry smoothies!! My hub converted me to kraft singles shortly after we started dating. He made me promise to stop buying store brand!!
ReplyDeleteI love the strawberry banana flavor from Yoplait. My favorite Kraft Singles memory is eating cheese and crackers with my cousins.
ReplyDeleteFor sure mixed berry. I, being old, remember how awed I was when singles came out, and how easy it was to make a grilled cheese sandwich! I would love this for my grandkids.
ReplyDeleteMy kids favorite Yoplait flavor is strawberry banana. We purchase a case of yogurt every week because husband, son and daughter each eat them (husband 2 a day for lunch!).
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Kraft singles memory is back when I was in high school. Parents were out of town so of course...I threw a party! It was a blast and all was good and cleaned up (we thought) before my parents returned home. The next day is when I got in trouble and asked if people had been in the house. As the evidence proved a girl got drunk at my party, got the Kraft singles out of the refridgerator, climbed on the roof (my parents house is built into a hill on the backside, so it is low) and continued to open the singles and toss them all over the roof. We had little yellow/orange squares of cheese decorating the backside of their house, OOPS! After my grounding we had a good laugh. Ah youth, back in the day....sigh, I sound so old.
Thank you for the chance to win. Happy New Year 2009 Superdumb SuperVillian
Strawberry Banana! Yum! colorfulcarla at gmail.com
ReplyDeleteStrawberry is my favorite Yoplait. And, for favorite Kraft Singles memory is grilling cheese sandwiches on Saturday morning back in college - smelled heavenly (and still does).
ReplyDeleteI am a subscriber via Google.
ReplyDeleteMy kids favorite is the Dora Strawberry/Vanilla combo 6 pack. We eat a lot of yogurt at our house. Thanks for the great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteMy grandkids love strawberry yogurt or strawberry banana! Always have to have them on hand.
ReplyDeleteGrilled cheese sandwhiches are major comfort food for me. A bad day and I want grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup...:-)
Strawberry/Banana is our favorite.
ReplyDeleteI dont have any memories of Kraft Singles but they are a staple in our house for my husband and girls. Grilled cheese and tomato soup is popular.
snulfers at hotmail don com
Mixed Berry is my favorite flavor.
ReplyDeleteMy best memory of Kraft Singles is serving my kids grilled cheese sandwiches and hot soup when they come in from playing out in the snow. They are grwon and still remember the smell of grilled cheese sandwiches in the Winter.
My favorite flavor is the Strawberry Banana.
ReplyDeleteI remember my mother always making grilled cheese sandwhiches with Kraft singles to go along with tomato soup - yum!
stormraven at gmail dot com
My favorite flavor would be the strawberry banana because I know that my son would eat it.
ReplyDeleteAnd my favorite craft singles memory is getting to have it on white wonder bread grilled at my friends house.
My children's favorite flavor of Yoplait is the Strawberry Banana. My favorite memory when I was a child is my mother making delicious grilled cheese sandwiches with chicken noodle soup on a cold winter day.
I am a subscriber.
Banana for us!!
ReplyDeleteIm a subscriber!!
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog too!
ReplyDeletevanilla is my kids fave and my favorite kraft memory is fro when i would go stay with my Nana and she would use her iron to make me grilled cheese sandwiches using kraft singles!
ReplyDeleteBerry flavor
ReplyDeleteFavorite flavor is cherry. Favorite kraft singles memory is eating grilled cheese sandwiches my mom uses to make for us growing up...mmmm!
ReplyDeleteHi there. My favorite Yoplait flavor is the orange cream, and one year I got a Kraft single when I went trick or treating! I thought it was so funny! Now, my kids love the Yoplait kids yogurt and the cheese singles. Thanks for the great contest.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Yoplait flavor would have to be the strawberry. My greatest memory of Kraft cheese is my mom making grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup on cold winter days. Yum! Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeletemommync3 at yahoo dot com
I am a subscriber. Thanks.
ReplyDeletemommync3 at yahoo dot com
The peach is my kids favorite! My daughter enjoys Kraft cheese melted on a hamburger bun. A cheese sandwich she can make herself!
ReplyDeleteI like the strawberry banana flavor. My favorite memory is making griled cheese with my kids.
ReplyDeleteI like the mixed berry but my kids like the strawberry kind.
ReplyDeleteangieplays4fun at gmail dot com
My favorite flavor is strawberry (Yoplait Kids) and favorite Kraft singles memory is when they were individually wrapped in plastic and peeling it off and eating it plain. rosans4@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteI like the black cherry flavor!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Kraft Singles memory is easy...My Mom making grilled cheese for me when I was little. especially on snow days with a warm bowl of tomato soup too.
ReplyDeleteidentical to pattycake: Strawberry and banana is our favorite--best memory is grilled cheese sandwich and cream of tomato soup for lunch
I subscribe via e-mail
ReplyDeletei subscribe
My (and my kids) favorite flavor of Yoplait Kids yogurt is strawberry banana. As far a memories involving Kraft singles.... it has got to be Sunday night toasted cheese sandwiches with my mom. Yummy!
ReplyDeleteMy son's favorite flavor is vanilla. I have always just loved to eat the cheese plain, but grilled cheese has always been a favorite.
my son loves the vanilla flavor drinkable mixed with his milk. Krafts memory - used to melt onto cooked frozen pizza.
ReplyDeletetoasted cheese sandwiches
I really like the Mixed Berry. My memory is dipping my cheese sandwich into tomato soup,that my mom would always make together:)
Strawberry Banana. Grilled Cheese with Kraft singles rock!
ReplyDeletevanilla (custard style) and grilled cheese! thanks.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite yogurt is blueberry and my favorite way to use Kraft Singles is on a grilled ham and cheese sandwich.
ReplyDeletethe kids favorite yogurt is the strawberry/bannana ones and as for Kraft cheese it is the ONLY cheese we buy around here...it isn't a day if I don't see one of them 'sneaking' into the refrig for some cheese.
ReplyDeleteFavorite yogurt flavor is strawberry. Favorite Kraft singles memory is grilled cheese and soup on a snowy day - yum.
ReplyDeleteStrawberry Strawberry Vanilla is my favorite flvor. My favorite Kraft Singles memory is the cheeseburgers my mother made for me and our talks after school. garrettsambo@aol.com
ReplyDeleteOur favorite flavor is strawberry banana peach. I would buy Kraft Singles for the convenience and go pul a couple out of the refrigerator when I needed a snack.
ReplyDeletePick Me! Pick Me!
We are just a plain ole strawberry family!
Tammy OHagan
tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net
Peach-Strawberry Banana is my children's favorite.
ReplyDeleteCheese...just out of the wrapper is fun to eat!
Peach is our favorite!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Yoplait Kids yogurt flavor is mixed berry AND my favorite memory about Kraft Singles is the great grilled cheese sandwiches my grandmother would make!
ReplyDeletedmarti2620 (at) gmail (dot) com
Strawberry/Banana. I remember watching Mr. Roger's Neighborhood as a kid and he made a snack by wrapping a Kraft Singles around a banana.
ReplyDeleteOur favorite Yoplait is plain and simple strawberry/ banana. The Kraft singles make our famous "Hockey sandwich" with Grilled cheese and two slices of bacon in between- like two hockey sticks- Yummy!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite flavor is mixed berry and my favorite memory is grilled cheese sandwiches after school
ReplyDeleteMy favorite flavor is strawberry/banana and my favorite Kraft Singles memory is easing grilled cheese dipped in tomato soup!
ReplyDeleteStrawberry flavor is always a hit in our house.
ReplyDeleteOur favorite Yoplait is Strawberry. My favorite Kraft moment happened when I was older. Getting grilled cheese and breaking them in half (as the commercial shows).
FOr the kids strawberry banana !
ReplyDeleteFor me WHipped chocolate moose or Boston crem pie!
I eat 3 a day & love them all!
Our favorite kids yogurt flavor is strawberry. My favorite Kraft Singles memory is having my dad make soup and grilled cheese sandwiches when I was little. I always had to have the sandwich cut in triangular corners. I still cut my sandwiches that way sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI added your site to my Technorati faves (justaddcharm).
ReplyDeletesubscriber too!
ReplyDeleteOh My fav memory of Cheese is grilled cheese sandwich made on the barQ grill....whoo so gooooooood.
Favorite flavor for the kids is Strawberry banna.
I did not finish my whole answer on the first post.....sorry.
i love strawberry and bananas
ReplyDeleteOur favorite flavor is strawberry and at the risk of looking like a complete idiot....What I remember about cheese slices was that the four of us kids would all lean our heads back, put a slice of cheese on our face and see who could it the fastest without using our hands.
I'm subscribed via google reader too.
Black cherry yogurt flavor is Grandpa's favorite so the kids want it too.
ReplyDeleteOur trips to see Grandma = memory association with Kraft singles. Kraft singles go on road trips with us.
Vanilla is our favorite Yogurt flavor.
ReplyDeletebest memory is grilled cheese sandwich and cream of tomato soup.
Great quick meal!
My kids love the berry flavor. One of my favorite foods now and as a kid is grilled cheese with kraft singles.
I subscribed.