***CONGRATULATIONS, Naddez!!!***
her comment...
As I was cleaning the bathroom toilet, I decided to add a little of bleach with the toilet cleaner that was in the toilet bowl. With in seconds, the fumes spreaded quickly throughout the bathroom. I had to literally run out the bathroom, because of the smell!!!
I'm not a very proficient housekeeper. I am sure that will shock everyone. (Well, not those who have actually been to my house and witnessed what I refer to as the "Shapiro stacks" in my office. It's a hereditary curse, I tell you, but at least it's mostly confined to my office and my closet.Mostly.) I pretty much abhor housecleaning and although I know I should do a little here and there, I tend to wait until disaster is looming to tidy up. Even when I was a kid, I hated housecleaning although I must admit sometimes there was a twinge of satisfaction in getting a job done.
One of the happy things about housekeeping for me was dusting. Seriously. It's a tedious chore but it makes you look at all the knick knacks and pictures your family has collected and I loved the lemon scent of Pledge. Even now, that smell brings back a flood of memories. It's like my own dusty seventies version of Proust's madeleines: À la recherche du temps perdu. I try to steer clear of aerosol anything, but when the opportunity to try Pledge (and offer a couple of cans to my readers!) presented itself, I didn't hesitate. (Check out the ZRecs/Tranquil Parent article on SC Johnson's removal of phthalates from their complete product line and their commitment to keep consumers informed on ingredient safety… pretty impressive!)

Pledge is exactly the same as I remember but possibly even more useful. Did you know that Pledge kills up to 84% of allergens found in dust? That it actually protects against water damage and stains? And, most impressively, that it's not only good for wood? I had no idea that Pledge can be used on leather, stainless steel, even your car exterior AND tires! It's kind of addictive, I must admit.
To enter and win two cans of Pledge Natural Beauty (the original lemon-scented aerosol), please comment on this post with your favorite housecleaning story.
Entries will be accepted through March 25th and I'll pick the winner using Random.org. US readers are eligible. Only one entry/comment per person, please.
For an additional entry, post my button on your blog, follow my blog, fave me on Technorati or subscribe via email or subscribe via reader and leave an extra comment letting me know.
Make sure you leave an email address in your comment or that you have one accessible on your blog so you can be contacted if you win! Or, you may choose to check for your nickname at Prizey.Fetch, a site that compiles winners in one convenient place:
***Click Giveaways on my sidebar to see what else you could win!***
favorite housecleaning story- got none but it is nice to see it clean for five minutes before tornadoes rehit
ReplyDeleteFavorite housecleaning story? Okay.
ReplyDeleteMy dear sweet grandmother always introduced me as the girl who was born to eradicate dirt. Grandmother would be quite disappointed in me today.
My house is always very tidy and everything in it's place but it's not the cleanest. I like any product that makes my job quicker so Pledge is always in my cabinet.Wow. I had no idea that Pledge kills allergens and could be used on so many things. Does it get rid of cat odors as well?
Thanks for all the tips and info. Now I know why I like Pledge and superdumb so much!
I have two alaskan malamute dogs, these guys are my house cleaning story. Dog hair everywhere.
ReplyDeleteCollege student!
ReplyDeleteCleaning supplies are suprisingly interesting to me after experiances total chaos.
Mary D
ReplyDeletezenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
My housekeeping story is an ongoing saga of my efforts to keep just ONE step ahead of 2 beloved kitties who shed like nobody's business lol
I really dont have a story, but do try to keep up with the massive amount of cat hair that comes from 2 cats, its just amazing to see how much can collect if I dont sweep everyday,I think sometimes they should be bald with all the hair they shed but they arent of course, Thanks for the super giveaway
ReplyDeleteit happens every spring when the whole family works as one to get the spring cleaning done
ReplyDeleteI clean up, and the kids enter the room, and in less than 5 minutes, it's as though I hadn't cleaned up and put everything back in it's place
ReplyDeletefavorite housecleaning story... it never ends! That's it... The Never-Ending Story ;-)
more teens...
I don't really have a story. I have three grown sons who won't move out, four dogs (two of which are English *Shedmachine* Mastiff's), a grandson, a daughter in law and a husband who NEVER CLEAN ANYTHING. I clean from morning till night plus I work full time and go to school. I'm exhausted.
ReplyDeletewhen I was little I always remember my aunt would clean at night after we all fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning I was amazed at how clean everything would be. I remember thinking there must be some sort of magical cleaning fairy because no one woman could possibly clean up after a seven year old and a three year old that well.
We have Pergo floors in our house and a guinea pig. Our guinea sheds so much that I'm constantly cleaning up the floors.
ReplyDeletehousecleaning story? The only thing I can think of is how my hubby actually helps with cleaning these days and sure makes my day a little easier by pitching in.
ReplyDeleteOne of my first adult jobs was managing an apartment complex. Once, this person moved out and it was clear he'd never, ever cleaned his tub and the surrounding tiles. I was concerned that we'd actually have to replace them but the woman who cleaned the empty apartments for us told me not to worry, and when I went in to inspect after she'd finished, the tiles were sparkling. She shared her secret with me: Easy-Off spray-on oven cleaner. She said no other brand would do as good a job. asthenight at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI have 4 dogs who leave hair eveywhere not to mention how much they shed.
ReplyDeleteI had just cleaned the hardwood floors and they were sparkling. THe cat decides to knock over the planter and proceeded to play in the dirt. YAY!
ReplyDeleteThhe cleanning saga goes on and on and on until it is time to start over
ReplyDeleteI could really use this!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite housecleaning story:
ReplyDeleteOne day one of my younger daughters said she would clean the bathroom. She was in the bathroom for a very long time and I was wondering what was taking her so long. She was on her knees with scrub brushes and cleanser. She was actually scrubbing the floor. The floor never looked so good. lol She hasn't done anything like that in a long time. She was about 10 years old.
first -- let me say i hate housecleaning!!
ReplyDeletebut if I can get through the house withour having ot go back to every room and clean up more esses, that is a success to me!!!
Favorite house cleaning story is watching my son sweep the porch.
Faved (gkstratos)
my favorite house cleaning story is an ongoing story..trying to clean behind and pick up after a 1 1/2 yr old all day
ReplyDeletedctm at bellsouth dot net
My family could really use this, please enter me and thanks for the great contest =)
Things just don't seem to stay clean in my house :(
ReplyDeleteI absolutely treasure pictures of my daughter sweeping the front porch at age three. The broom was three times taller than she was! She is 35 now and has a three year old of her own...
ReplyDeleteI always remember how a little old neighbor lady used to talk about washing the windows all the time! She would be horrified to know how little time I spend on washing windows.
ReplyDeleteI remember as a child my mom would make my sister & I dust the living room...we hated it! Now I actually get some satisfaction out of keeping my home clean for my family. Also found out - I am allergic to dust!
ReplyDeleteI'll never forget the day I discovered that my kids had colored all over my suede couch with their crayons--talk about a cleaning job! (At least I can laugh about it now).
ReplyDeleteI dont have a favorite housecleaning story, but I love listening to Charles Trenet while I clean. His music is upbeat and motivates me to keep cleaning even when I dont feel like it.
ReplyDeleteMy mother made me dust and vacuum my brother's room, because she said he's a boy when I questioned her one time. My "OpenID" is my contact email.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite housecleaning story is having someone else do it for me. That's what my mom did...I had to dust & vacuum after school everyday.
ReplyDeleteHousecleaning story? Other than I try to avoid it at all costs? Sorry, got no story, but would love to win this! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteDo people have housecleaning stories? Other than "I hate cleaning my house"?
ReplyDeleteOh how I hate doing dishes. My mom made me do dishes every saturday before I could do anything else. She knew I hated it. She was torturing m!
ReplyDeleteThanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
I don't have a funny cleaning story but Saturdays are our cleaning day. Ever watch two tween children dust their rooms or pick up the clutter. Just look under their beds and move the articles on their shelves from one side over and you'll see the dust they thought they were cleaver to hide.
I am a subscriber.
I kind of set myself up for a favorite house cleaning story. When I put stuff away in the fall, I like to slip random cash into things, so that when I get ready for Spring and start pulling all the stuff back out, I find money. It makes cleaning fun.
my favorite story is that once when we were kids i had just windexed the sliding glass door and apparently i did too good of a job because my brother ended up running into it and needing stitches in his forehead.
ReplyDeleteIt's Frugal Being Green
the problem,sad to say,is no story because i need to clean first.
ReplyDeletenot a story but a memory, i remember helping my mom clean out house ALL of spring break when i was little. we scrubbed and washed every little inch of the house and i hated it then, but now I kind of enjoy it
ReplyDeleteOMG I abhor cleaning..probably should be doing it now to be honest....so no stories, but yes I love it when it's all clean and sparkly (you know when you first move in, before the kids walk in the door)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite housecleaning story is when my husbands boss came over for dinner and he went to use the bathroom and came back and said to his wife "this is a Triple A clean house" I've always remembered that.
I subscribe
Getting the tables in the living room clean after visiting niece and nephew get done playing with clay or playdoh is my best cleaning story.Pledge always does the trick.
I don't think there is such a thing as a favorite housecleaning story!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite story is not my own - thankfully. We went over to help a single male get ready to have people over to dinner.
ReplyDeleteHe was wiping down the kitchen counters with an old laundered pair of tighty whities. We stopped him immediately and went and got cleaning towels.
We still laugh about that one.
My favorite housecleaning story- can't really say that I have one to be honest!
ReplyDeleteMy fave housecleaning story would be the memory of my grandmother, who instilled in me the importance of cleaning, and just plain working hard! I can remember doing the dusting with Pledge from a very early age.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a favorite housecleaning story... it is so frustrating to only get to enjoy your house being clean for 15 minutes until two little hurricanes (ages 10 and 7) destroy it all again!
ReplyDeletemy worst housecleaning story was when my husband put new windows in our house. I had white dust all over from the sheetrock
ReplyDeletetiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Well I cleaned the living room then went to bed. My daughter got up the next morning and was like "wow daddy didnt mess the living room its still clean" I had to inform her its clean because she was sleeping....
ReplyDeleteI would love the chance to win, thanks.
i am terrible i don't clean or dust till i see some that way i know i have done some thing can see the diffrence
ReplyDeletePledge sure makes cleaning easy, it's a great product that has been around a long time. My mother used it when I was young. and that was long ago as I am a senior citizen now.
ReplyDeleteWell, I try and clean a little everyday. I guess my favorite story would have to include the time my 7 year old wanted to clean with me. We danced around the house singing HIgh School Musical songs - probably more dancing and singing then actually cleaning but it was fun!
ReplyDeleteMy mom uses lemon pledge and every time the lemon smell gets near me, I sneeze like crazy. This other scent will help me.
ReplyDeleteAs long as I can remember (while I was living at home), my mom would pay me $5 to clean her downstairs shower stall. I remember sitting in there in my panties scrubbing away....lol
ReplyDeletesupersweeper81 at gmail dot com
My favorite housecleaning story is the one where my daughter and my youngest son were playing in his room. They were being awfully quiet, so I knew they were up to something. Sneaking up quietly, I peeked in the door. Imagine my horror when I saw my daughter smearing dark blue ink on my light blue wall. The wall I had just painted 3 months ago. I heard my son say "Oh no, now it's worse! What're we gonna dooooooo?"
ReplyDeleteApparently they had sneaked a Bic pen and taken it apart. It was really neat because when you blew through the tube, you can make ink come out. All over the wall. But if you try to clean it with a wet cloth (One of my good guest facecloths from the bathroom, of course!) it just smears and makes a bigger mess. I tried everything, rubbing alcohol, baking soda, frantically Googling ink removal. I to this day have a blue smear on the wall in my son's room, a blue facecloth that was once a beautiful mint green, and a mental resolution to not paint again until all my children are in college.
Thanks for the chance to win some Pledge, I can always use it!
I subscribed via Google reader, thanks!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm a follower too, thanks again!
I was helping my boyfriend clean his apartment for the first time. He had volunteered to clean the bathroom (I know, I was surprised). A little while later he came out saying he was feeling dizzy. I went into the bathroom and the fumes were horrible. I asked him to show me what products he was using to clean and he had mixed bleach with a cleaning product that had ammonia in it! He had no idea that you weren't supposed to do that. Needless to say, the bathroom was unusable for a bit while we aired it out. He now clears all cleaning products with me before using them :)
ReplyDeleteI am a follower :)
ReplyDeleteI am a subscriber!
ReplyDeleteWe had just rented our first apartment. Needless to say it needed a good cleaning. We received a call from my in-laws that they were in town and would be dropping by later that afternoon. We made a quick trip to pick up some Pledge. Pledge to the rescue. garrettsambo@aol.com
ReplyDeleteMy son has recently found a love for putting clean dishes away!!! YAY!!
It would probably be trying to clean one room without having the kids destroy all the other rooms while i'm doing it. It's hard!
ReplyDeletemy hubby's always saying he's going to help me clean -- but it never happens... imagine that.
i put your button on my blog
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I remember my mom constantly cleaning our house and our cottage every weekend too. Now I'm a clean freak!
Once I had compnay wit small kids. My front bathroom was taken so They went to use the one in my master bedroom where the cat box is.
ReplyDeleteAfter a few minutes I walked back there to see what was taking htme so long.
They were back there building sand castles with the contents of the litter box!
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My favorite house cleaning story...with three cats, a dog, two sons and one husband I don't have a clue what a clean house is? I do have a cleaning woman who comes once every two weeks, she helps dus my piles!
ReplyDeleteDiane Baum
I love it when the boys (husband and two boys) are gone for the day. The entire day by myself. That is my perfect spa day. Thank you.
I loved it when my daughter came up to ask what I was doing (cleaning sinks), and she said, oh, I'll do it! She does a great job, too!