superdumb supervillain: BlogHer 09

Saturday, July 25, 2009

BlogHer 09

Kathleen is such a great roommate! I'm really going to miss her and Candice when we go home. Not to mention Katja, Kristin, Allison, Renee, Sheena, Kim, among many other great new blogger friends. Way cool to watch Design Mom iron and see CityMama and Bad Kitty spur Carson Kressley's spontaneous nudity by gifting him with a Ript Fusion tee (Yummie Tummie's shapewear for men, FYI).

My WiFi is slooooooow and keeps booting me off so I'm just going to post a couple of pictures and tell you all about it next week...


  1. We're having so much fun! I'm sending my readers over to this post...

    And you're such a great roomie too!

  2. How fun! Oh just from these pictures alone, I can tell you're having a blast.

  3. Hi! I'm visiting from KatyDid. I enjoyed seeing your pictures from BlogHer!

  4. Great pictures Naomi! It looks as though you are all having a brilliant time and I am so glad you and Kathleen are having such a grand time! You all are so beautiful and Candice is in the photos! YAY! What is the unicorn thing?

  5. Great photos! I am going next year...I hope to be able to see you there!

  6. This is so much fun to see everyone together like this! I love all the photos.

    I'll be there next year! Can't wait to meet ya:)

  7. Thosea are great pictures. What is up with the cake?

  8. That cake is scary! I know you said it was awesome, but I am thinking "scary". They are carving the butt!

  9. Love the pics - Love your outfit, hot mama!

  10. Yaay for you! Can't wait to hear all about it. Love the pics of Carson Kressley.

  11. So glad you had a terrific time, looking forward to the rest of the story and photos.

  12. It was so great to finally meet you!!!!! We definitely have to go to more events together :-D!

  13. Great pics from the limousine! It was a fun night, and really nice to meet you. Looking forward to next year!

  14. Oh that looks sooo much fun. Jealousy abounds.

  15. You definitely need more events out your way! It was great meeting you IRL! Let me know next time you're in town.

  16. Oh MY Goodness!!!!!!

    That looked like so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've never gone or considered going. I guess I don't feel involved enough in the blogworld... but I'll bet it's a great way to become a part of the blogging community.

    You've inspired me.

  17. I'll look forward to your re-cap. Be sure to tell us your best and least favorite parts of the conference too. :)

  18. What a great time everyone had! I can't wait to meet my blogging friends in person one day. :-)


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