superdumb supervillain: Public Service Announcement

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Public Service Announcement

In case you're wondering, I'm not participating in any kind of blackout. I'm just drowning in summer fun with the family…which seems to preclude the clickety clack of the keyboard. I'll be back soon. Scout's honor. (Seriously, I was a Brownie back in the dark ages.)


  1. Good for you! Enjoy real life. Let me know how it's working for you. Maybe I'll give it a try!

  2. I hope you are having fun, though I still vote that you come out for dinner tonight...

    Missing you, both the computer you and the "real" you.

    I bet you were the cutest Brownie EVER.

  3. I was wondering where your WW post was!? =) I know you're having so much more fun doing what you're doing...
    See you when you get back!

  4. Carry on, carry on. Soon summer will be over and it will be a distant memory. Gotta run, gotta run. I'm late, I'm late!

    Hey! Did you see that Alice in Wonderland is coming out 3D Imax??? Ach. Next year. That will give me time to make an Alice costume with fishnets :)

  5. Wow! I totally feel you. I wish it was summer all year long.

  6. What is that whole "blackout" thing?

    Looks like you and the littles have had lots of fun. Who knew there was cool stuff in Goddard? I was just chatting with an old college friend who grew up there. isn't it famous for hedgehogs?


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