REMOVEEZ is a line of natural, citrus-based liquid skin cleansers made with homeopathic extracts of plants and flowers. Sticky messes sometimes seem like they need industrial-strength toxic goo to deal with them (when I worked at record stores, for example, the best way to clean bin dividers of all the sticker residue was with lighter fluid, ick) but REMOVEEZ proves that you can clean almost everything up in a healthy, safe, and earth-conscious way:
REMOVEEZ is gentle on the environment but, more importantly for parents, it is also gentle on skin. (The formula was actually created in response to those pesky temporary tattoos that kiddos are addicted to but screech in horror if you remove as directed with stinky, stinging, drying rubbing alcohol…) If your kids are particularly good at getting into stuff, you'll be happy to know that REMOVEEZ gently dissolves the hard-to-remove stuff like permanent markers, paint, temporary tattoos, tar, and more, without stripping skin of its natural oils. In fact, extra REMOVEEZ left on skin soothes and nourishes with ingredients such as aloe, calendula, bee pollen, and Hawaiian white ginger. Rub REMOVEEZ until it naturally dissolves the sticky stuff and wipe excess off or keep rubbing until it disappears into your skin! It smells heavenly, too, with four great scents, all blended with orangey goodness: lavender, eucalyptus, coconut, or clove.
"As a surfer and father, I want to make sure we take care of our world for both our children and future generations,” says REMOVEEZ founder Jeremy Alcock. "Choosing to use REMOVEEZ is a simple and natural choice among many others to live sustainably. Earth Day is a reminder of what each individual can do, from recycling to planting gardens to teaching kids to turn off the lights and playing outside.”
Follow REMOVEEZ on Twitter or Facebook or check out the Removeez Blog to find out more.
Disclosure: I received a sampler of REMOVEEZ products to facilitate this review.
I could definitely use this stuff. I wonder if it would get ink off my leather couch? Leather <--> skin ... they're sort of the same right?