The premiere episode of the season, "Monkey Down Under," finds George and the Man with the Yellow Hat in Australia for an Outback adventure. George investigates giant footprints in the sand and learns about indigenous animals from local conservationist and wildlife expert Bindi Irwin, the progeny of the late Crocodile Hunter and a force for animals in her own right. George learns all about koalas, kangaroos, emus and more in this fun episode.
Curious George is a great way to engage preschoolers in learning. Check your local PBS channel listings for December 3-5th and watch these with your little ones. You won't be disappointed!
In accordance to the FTC Guidelines and the WOMMA Code of Ethics, I am disclosing that we received a screener DVD to facilitate this review. No compensation was provided for this post. All opinions are, as usual, entirely my own.
My kids love Curious George, but none more than Connor. We watched Monday, but missed it these past 2 days. Thanks for reminding me, we'll have to tune in tomorrow and Friday!! :)