superdumb supervillain: Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Parent Bloggers Network is having a Halloween photo contest and you can win Blurb photobooks! Check it out, y'all. I am submitting the bottom pic as Cutest Costume (age 3 and up) and the third pic as Best Photo, because the sunlight looks so artsy. I also added the family shot… I think Bob is a serious contender for Best Handmade Costume–yes, the kitty head is papier-mâché. And I have to put Jasper in the running for Cutest Costume (age 2 and under) even though he wouldn't keep his tiger hood up all night. I wish Roo had her witch hat on in this one, too…


  1. She looks so wickedly delightful!
    I agree with your category choices; that is definitely a cute costume and the sunlight photo is bewitchingly eerie.
    Love it Superdumb Supervillain!

  2. Those are great! I love Bob's costume and the photo of Roo in the woods is adorable. I hope you win! I wish I could enter but we didn't dress up this year. Soren didn't fit into the hand-me-down that someone gave us. It was too long.

  3. Great costumes! What a great witch!

  4. We have witchy Roo's broomstick over here. She must miss it.


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