superdumb supervillain: The Heart of Our Home

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Heart of Our Home

Samsung Home Appliances and TwitterMoms have teamed to find out “Where Is the Heart of Your Home?” One lucky blogger (hopefully me!) will win a Samsung Steam Washer (WF448AAP) and Electric Dryer (DV448AEP) which both offer an extra-large capacity and stunning sleek, modern look. If it makes me even a smidgen as happy to do laundry as the model in the photograph, life would be goooood.

The heart of our home is our kitchen which is open through to the den/TV room. I would say we spend 90% of our time between these two rooms, cooking and eating and watching TV. These rooms are the backdrops for spontaneous dancing, singalongs, lectures, kitty wrangling… all the stuff from modern life! Here's a picture of the den with the TV cabinet closed and a sense of calm since we'd just installed the carpet and the coffee table and all the kids' stuff is kinda under control:

Here is Roo showing you what the den usually looks like:

Frightening, isn't it? The amount of… stuff. Jasper is standing in-between the kitchen and den in this picture, either asking for candy from the high shelf or for his favorite TV show to be turned on. Okay, it's more like he's demanding something. Welcome to my world, ruled by a two year old dictator and his five year old evil queen.

So… where is the heart of your home? Please leave a comment below and help me win this amazing prize!


  1. Hmmm.. the heart of the home here is in the kitchen! That's kinda because that's where I am though :). My computer is in the kitchen so I can multi task and everyone wants in on the action. It's a good place to be, most times.

  2. Though we don't have a den, the heart of our house is the living room, where part of it is corralled off with a play space and the other has the couches. I'd like it to be the kitchen, but I often don't let Soren in there, since he gets on my nerves when I'm cooking.

    I hope you win, though I'm also pulling for CanCan.

  3. Heart felt answer
    your children are beautiful

    good luck to you hope one of us win

  4. HA! I love that you showed the room when in use and when "clean". That's how our living room is. Constantly picking up toys. :)

    Good luck!!

  5. the kitchen is definitely the heart of the home!

    Hope you win!

  6. THe heart of my home is the living room. It's where all the action takes place. We have Wii battles, family movie night, entertain guests, and drop off the laundry. LOL. It's where we don't have to be stressed. We relax and enjoy.

    Good Luck on winning!

  7. The heart of my home is our bed! We spend a lot of time hanging out as a family there. No TV means we actually TALK to each other in that room! If we are in the living room there is too much TV watching or Video Game playing to really spend time together!!

  8. The heart of my home is in the Kitchen as well.. that is where we talk about school, our day and other things!


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