superdumb supervillain: Heads Up

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Heads Up

Happy Tax Day, y'all.

FYI- I am going to my first "blogger event" tomorrow, just overnight to Hutchinson, Kansas– about an hour away. They have a space museum and the state fair and a salt mine and Amish folks so their chamber of commerce apparently did a travel blogger outreach. Kim from Hormone-Colored Days (and Traveling Mom, among several others!) was invited but then she realized they weren't paying airfare from Chicago so she referred them to me. Staying in a hotel overnight without my kids. Yikes. I am actually freaking out about it. How sad is that? It's only a day and a half...

Anyway, that means if you're waiting impatiently for me to post new reviews and giveaways or reply to emails, I will most likely be incommunicado since mama don't have no laptop. (Do you hear me, Apple PR?!) But rest assured I will be back soon with plenty of stories about space travel and the Amish. And a frightening (to me, at least) number of super amazing giveaways just in time for Mother's Day! Jewelry, tea, stuff to keep the kids busy and out of your hair and even some stuff to keep you and your mate busy, too…


  1. You know they'll be waiting for souvenirs, right?
    I know, I know... but you will be okay as will they. right?

    Have fun and hurry back!

  2. Sounds like fun. I did my first one last November (a cruise--it rocked). Enjoy the experience and being a grown up for a bit.

  3. OMg Noami no way! woot! Have fun with your night away.

  4. Can't wait to hear all about it!!! (like right now)

  5. I'm so glad this worked out! I can't wait to hear the details!

  6. Hope you had a good time (delicious hotel room sleep!) and have some new suggestions for our next jaunt to Hutchinson!

  7. Good luck getting Apple PR to bite, lol! I'm so jealous you got to go to Kansas!

  8. Fun! I wish there were more "blogger events" in my area (Arizona).

    And I wish Apple PR would start a huge "product review campaign" with mom bloggers. I'll gladly review a MacBook Pro. Or even a MacBook would be fine. :)

  9. hope you had a fun blogger event naomi!
    I met woz at macworld in january & got our picture. he was with his new wife. I want a white MacBook :)


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