superdumb supervillain: Excuse Me

Friday, May 29, 2009

Excuse Me

Here's my deal: Roo's out of school, Bob's out of town and the sun doesn't set until 8pm. The kids are running me ragged, which is I suppose what kids do in the summertime. I've never really experienced the end of the school year in such a dramatic way before. My beloved daughter talks from the minute she wakes up and then keeps talking all day until I tuck her in at night. It's exhausting! Jasper is at a fun stage where he can get into almost anything undetected and totally intentionally. The look on his face tells me he will always know how to find trouble to get into, which is absolutely terrifying.

I'll get my act together soon, hopefully, and get some kind of blogging schedule in order. Until then, though, all bets are off because my kids see the computer as their nemesis. Seriously.

A couple of great giveaways soon, you will be thrilled to pieces, I promise. As soon as I can find the time to post them, I will. Before August, hopefully.

Just kidding, sponsors.


  1. My kids are still in school for another month. It doesn't get dark until about 9:30 ... light at 5 am. No one is getting enough sleep. They're really dirty too!

    Love the pics below. Roo and Georgia have the same taste in boots :)

  2. Oh dear. Boy X rattled non stop as well. Morning to night. I think the talking for me, was more exhaustive than any physical endurance test he put me through.
    At the end of the day, I had laryngitis, a hunchback and wild, uncombed frizzy hair.
    Ah, the good ole days.
    Peace be with you friend. Ew.. I wish I lived closer.

  3. Can't help but chuckle at the j/k to your sponsors ;)

    I hope things settle down soon ... I have a feeling Charlie will gab my ears off as well. I'm taking notes.

  4. Naomi, I think we're all going through some sort of thing like this. It's just too darned nice outside to want to be on the computer! And the blog takes up so much more time than simply posting posts. We've chatted about this, I know.

    So take your time...I'll still be checking in on you.

  5. Hope your weekend is going well and that the kidlets are treating their Mommy in the most kind way possible. Miss you!

  6. Great. And I was looking forward the summer vacation and to hang out with the kids, but who am I kidding here... I know it's going to be crazy... I'll join the club in a few weeks.

  7. No worries. Enjoy your summer. :) After all, it will only be the summer of 2009 once.


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